Author: Hafsah Faizal
Genre: Fantasy/Young Adult
Published on: May 14th, 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.
People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.
Goodreads Synopsis: Jill MacSweeney just wishes everything could go back to normal. But ever since her dad died, she’s been isolating herself from her boyfriend, her best friends—everyone who wants to support her. And when her mom decides to adopt a baby, it feels like she’s somehow trying to replace a lost family member with … Read more How to Save a Life by Sara Zarr
Book: The Girl from our Moon
Author: Rebecca Bishop
Genre: Fantasy
Received an E-copy of the book by the author.
Goodreads Synopsis:
A harmonious civilisation of angels live on the colourful and idealistic planet Venus.
However, one wild and comical rebel does not fit into this picture. The spontaneous angel Luna, is regular gossip throughout the galaxy, due to her continuous need to break the universal laws. Finally Luna is served punishment and booted from heaven.
Arch Angel Michael has sent her on a quest, to find Professor Starling. With deliberate brain damage, she is held in a London hospital, until a suitable foster parent is found. With a dog as a friend, and her trusty foretelling scroll, Luna is lead to enrol into college to complete her mission.
Book: The Peculiar Peggs of Riddling Woods
Author: Samuel J. Halpin
Genre: Mystery, Children, Middle Grade
ARC copy sent by USBORNEYA.
Goodreads Synopsis:
This is the story of a sleepy town called Suds. A place where stories fill the air of children who keep turning grey and disappearing without a trace…
Read moreThe Peculiar Peggs of Riddling Woods by Samuel J. Halpin
Was I limited to this body, I was born in? The intellect I so graciously possessed, Was it limited too? Why these boundaries? They tried to set… The extremeties they believed in Why why why The orthodox I was born into It tried to set those perimeters Tried to confine me Yet yet … Read more Dancing is my Infinity
Book: Fireside Chat with a Grammer Nazi Serial Killer Author: Ryan Suvaal Genre: Thriller/Psychological thriller Goodreads Synopsis: Seventeen gruesome killings across the United States, within a span of six months and there is one clear connection among victims. They were all writers. While media is decorating the murders with sensationalist stories, and law enforcement … Read more Fireside Chat with a Grammer Nazi Serial Killer by Ryan Suvaal
Book: Harmonies of War: The Guide Author: Ruby Fitzgerald Genre: Fantasy Goodreads Synopsis: Harmonies of War is your ‘Season 1 Recap’ for Descendants of War. This ground breaking Epic Fantasy Series opens the door for mental health. The majority of society will experience anxiety or depression at once point in their lives. There are so … Read more Harmonies of War: The Guide by Ruby Fitzgerald
Book: Saved by the Page Author: J.D. Netto and other various authors Genre: Contemporary A huge thanks to J.D. Netto who provided me and many other reviewers with this anthology of 45 stories by various authors. This book is a masterpiece and I feel honoured to read and review it. Goodreads Synopsis: Do you remember … Read more Saved by the Page by J.D. Netto
Book Title: The Train To Impossible Places
Author: Peter G. Bell
Genre: Middle Grade, Childrens, Fantasy, Adventure, Fiction
Publisher: Usborneya
Hi Everyone,
Goodreads Synopsis: Thousands of years ago, the Ancients bestowed the Nine Energies of Magic to certain humans known as Descendants. When Aurora, briefly in possession of all Nine Energies, defeated King Zagan during the Battle of Venom, peace returned to the ravaged queendom of Thurnadan. Eleanor has been placed back in charge of her queendom, … Read more Descendants of War: Magic’s Demise by Ruby Fitzgerald