Author: J.E.Reed
Genre: Fantasy/Thriller/YA/Adventure
Published on: July 12th, 2018
Review copy of the book was provided by the author
I would like to thank the author for selecting me to do this blog tour for her upcoming book and giving me the privilege of reading the Advanced Review Copy.
I welcome you to The Delinquent Crown Blog Tour where you will be able get the first look on this book and guess what? There’s also a Q&A with the author herself. Are you ready?
People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.
It was last year when I learned about the existence of this amazing book box in Pakistan. I decided to treat myself with my first ever book box last year in May, from my first salary. As May is also my birthday month, so it was sort of a birthday gift to myself as well.
Read moreAbsolutelyBooked Unboxing: Royally Cursed, April 2019