Author: Hafsah Faizal
Genre: Fantasy/Young Adult
Published on: May 14th, 2019
Goodreads Synopsis:
People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.
People lived because she killed.
People died because he lived.
Meet SLAY – SLAY do two things and they do them well: they play killer music and they slay killer demons.
Book Name: The Whispers of the Fallen
Author: JD Netto
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Fiction/Paranormal
Review copy provided by the author.
Goodreads Synopsis:
Ever since the dawn of days, rumors about the Diary of Lucifer echoed throughout Elysium. Hidden from all human knowledge, the Diary was kept a secret, locked away in the small village of Agalmath.
Book: Fireside Chat with a Grammer Nazi Serial Killer Author: Ryan Suvaal Genre: Thriller/Psychological thriller Goodreads Synopsis: Seventeen gruesome killings across the United States, within a span of six months and there is one clear connection among victims. They were all writers. While media is decorating the murders with sensationalist stories, and law enforcement … Read more Fireside Chat with a Grammer Nazi Serial Killer by Ryan Suvaal