- Preferred Genre’s: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Middle Grade, LGBTQ, Adult Romance & Fantasy, Thriller/Mystery/Horror & Paranormal Fantasy.
- Preferred Format: Paper back/Hardcover.
- If you are unable to send physical book for any reason, I will accept ebook (epub/pdf/Mobi)
- Please note that I will charge $2 for ebooks review. The reason being, it takes time & efforts to read and review ebooks. In addition to this, taking creative photos of ebooks is a lot of hard work. It takes time to capture unique photos of them with relatable props and then editing them later on. I am a book Blogger who genuinely loves to promote all kinds of books and authors. The reviews of each and every book provided by the authors/publishers will be posted here on my website, goodreads, Instagram and any other preferred website.
- I provide honest reviews about every book I read and I form my own views regarding a book.
- Disclaimer: Please don’t try request a positive review. If you want to gain true readers then please try to respect our opinions.
- Star ratings:
*****/5 = I’ve enjoyed the book thoroughly
****/5 = I loved the book but there was something missing
***/5 = It was not bad but not that good. Positives and negatives will be discussed
**/5 = This book wasn’t for me I guess. The story wasn’t that intriguing or catchy
*/ = Too many faults. Reasons will be provided in the review.