Hi Everyone!
In the past few years, I wrote some book reviews on my blog and Goodreads for new authors. Calling out all those authors out there, if you have stumbled upon my blog and if you are currently reading this post, I would be honored to read your books and provide you with an honest book review. The reviews will be posted on my blog as well as on my Instagram.
Here are the links for my past book reviews:
- The Essence of the Aptitude by Esha Bajaj
- Spartanica by Powers Molnar
- Soul Mirror by Jessica Tumminello
- The Lament of Sky by B.B. Winter
- The Shards of the Heart by Esha Bajaj
- Candles on the Ganges by Peter E. Upton
- Aqson Level 1 by Sreejib
- Walk Beside Me by Christine Handy
- Ren Awakened by Brittany Quagan
- The Crowns of the Croswald by D.E. Night
- The Gift of the Quoxxel by Richard Titus
- Invisible Ties by Nadya A.R.
- Alice of the Rocks by E. Graziani
- Alice, Angel of Time by E. Graziani
- Time Crawlers by Varun Sayal
- Descendants of War: Magic’s Demise by Ruby Fitzgerald
- Saved by the Page by J.D. Netto
- Fireside Chat with a Grammer Nazi Serial Killer by Ryan Suvaal
- The Girl from our Moon by Rebecca Bishop
- The Whispers of the Fallen by JD Netto
- They Called me Wyatt by Natasha Tynes
- Archibald Finch & the Lost Witches by Michel Guyon
- Sense Me by Annum Salman
- A Flight of Broken Wings by Nupur Chaudhry
- A Shifting of Stars by Kathy Kimbray
- These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling
- The Girl With The Whispering Shadow by D.E. Night
- The Fickle Mermaid by Sophie Bowns
- The Balance of Heaven and Earth by Laurence Westwood
- The Art of Letting Go: Poetry for the Seekers by Sanhita Baruah
- HumanAlien by Vika L. Coppens
- All American Muslim Girl by Nadine Jolie Courtney
- The Unbridled Romance of Love & Pain by SaRunfinah D. Elahi
- Running with the Wolves by J.E. Reed
- Fixing by Humaira Amjad
For more book reviews and book related updates, follow me on my instagram.