AbsolutelyBooked Unboxing: Royally Cursed, April 2019

Absolutelybooked book box based in Pakistan by Prismsandpaintbrushes

It was last year when I learned about the existence of this amazing book box in Pakistan. I decided to treat myself with my first ever book box last year in May, from my first salary. As May is also my birthday month, so it was sort of a birthday gift to myself as well.

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The Whispers of the Fallen by JD Netto


Book Name: The Whispers of the Fallen

Author: JD Netto

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Fiction/Paranormal

Review copy provided by the author.

Goodreads Synopsis:

Ever since the dawn of days, rumors about the Diary of Lucifer echoed throughout Elysium. Hidden from all human knowledge, the Diary was kept a secret, locked away in the small village of Agalmath.

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