A Light of Hope

People say that you should never be hopeless

Hope is something that keeps you strong

A light of hope helps you survive in life

No matter how much i feel disheartened

There is always a little light of hope

And it glimmers inside me

Even if i shed tears in night

The tears of such strong emotions

When i wake up in the morning

A little light of hope sparkles inside me

Sometimes i feel so frustrated

It feels like running away is a good option

But some how i holdup myself

Because of that light of hope

The light that twinkles inside me

It makes me strong and keeps me happy

My friends tell me to smile and cheer up

They say the thing that is bothering you

Bury it in the corner of your mind

But how can i ignore that darkness

That darkness that stays inside me

I try to fight this darkness

I distract myself from it

The novels that i read

They help me fight the darkness

Sometimes i imagine crazy things

And it warms my heart and soul

Then i realize this all keeps me strong

I find a reason to smile everyday

And convince myself to just keep going

I don’t let my emotions over power me

Some thoughts are so unbearable

That they are hard to control

So apparently novels are the best companions

The light of hope is with me all along

This hope never dies

And i smile everyday

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