Do you love dancing ? Oh of course you do, who doesn’t love to dance. I mean there is rarely some one who doesn’t love to dance.
For some of you dancing is fun
For some of you dancing is your passion
For some of you dancing is your career
For some of you dancing is an art of expression
For some of you dancing is a type of workout
For some of you dancing is for your alone time
Dancing means something to everyone of us. But have you ever tried dancing alone? If you have tried then i am sure you know how it feels when you dance alone and if you have not, then let me describe it to you, the experience of dancing alone frequently.
Put up a playlist of your favourite songs, if you like to listen to songs aloud then play the songs on the speaker and if you like to put up your earphones, then do that. Its your call, because in this moment you alone are in charge. In this moment we can dance however we want and we feel carefree.
I myself have danced alone countless time, imagining that i am the star and feeling like the happiest person in the whole world in that moment. In this moment i love myself so much and there is this feeling of love radiating from me around my whole body. This feeling is the most blissful one. I can dance however i want, there is no restriction. No one is there to criticize me or laugh at me or to applause me, i don’t care about this. If you have danced alone, ever, you would know the feeling of that moment.
Although the main benefit of dancing is burning calories but it is more than that. When you dance alone, you feel joy from inside out, you dance from your heart and soul and its like you never want to stop dancing. In these moments you feel complete in yourself. You can keep this amazing joy and feeling of completeness with you all along. Its just a matter of changing your thoughts and bringing this feeling at the forefront of your mind whenever you are feeling horrible.
Well many of us have alot of negative feelings inside of our self, in a bad situation. But there is no such thing as bad situation, its just our perception that its bad. I think one way of feeling positive all the time is to dance every day alone to feel amazing and complete and blissful. Dance, dance every day on your favourite songs. Bring in the positivity inside you by dancing. Its really a good therapy and i have tried this personally. Many of you have done this too, you have a different kind of smile on your face when you are dancing alone, at that time you feel so perfect and all the world seems beautiful.
One thing more, when you are dancing alone just feel the positivity radiating from you, around your whole body and enveloping you in an embrace. When you will imagine this, you will feel this so strongly and will feel so positive, complete and joyful. This will be your own perfect moment and you would want to do this every day. So dance by yourself for fun and for being positive, in this way all the negativity will vanish from your mind and you will stay healthy too.