Love From A to Z Blog Tour: T Minus 1 Day Left

Gosh… only 1 Day Left until Love From A to Z releases. As a part of a Street Team, we are doing a countdown and its so Fun to do it. Here’s my promo post for this book: **I would like to thank @gildedwolves & @airyreads for putting this street team together. It’s the first … Read more Love From A to Z Blog Tour: T Minus 1 Day Left

Slay by Kim Curran

Book Photography
Book aesthetics
Book Name: Slay
Author: Kim Curran
Genre: Young Adult/Urban Fantasy/Supernatural/
Publishing Date: May 3rd 2018
Review copy provided by USBORNEYA

Goodreads Synopsis:

Meet SLAY – SLAY do two things and they do them well: they play killer music and they slay killer demons.

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They Called me Wyatt by Natasha Tynes

Book Photography
Book Review
Book: They Called e Wyatt
Author: Natasha Tynes
Genre: Fiction/Adult/Mystery/Contemporary
Release date: 11th June 2019
E-Book provided by the author for review.

Goodreads Synopsis:

When Jordanian student Siwar Salaiha is murdered on her birthday in College Park, Maryland, her consciousness survives, finding refuge in the body of a Seattle baby boy. Stuck in this speech delayed three-year old body, Siwar tries but fails to communicate with Wyatt’s parents, instead she focuses on solving the mystery behind her murder. Eventually, her consciousness goes into a dormant state after Wyatt undergoes a major medical procedure.

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The Whispers of the Fallen by JD Netto


Book Name: The Whispers of the Fallen

Author: JD Netto

Genre: Young Adult Fantasy/Fiction/Paranormal

Review copy provided by the author.

Goodreads Synopsis:

Ever since the dawn of days, rumors about the Diary of Lucifer echoed throughout Elysium. Hidden from all human knowledge, the Diary was kept a secret, locked away in the small village of Agalmath.

Read moreThe Whispers of the Fallen by JD Netto