The Art of Letting Go: Poetry for the Seekers by Sanhita Baruah

Book: The Art of Letting go
Author: Sanhita Baruah
Genre: Poetry
Publishing Date: 27th November 2018
The e-copy of this book was provided by the author for review.

Goodreads Synopsis:

The Art of Letting Go’ is a collection of poems- all about making peace with loss, accepting the absence and moving on. It’s for the seekers searching for a new home, for the wanderers leaving their old homes, for the lovers creating a home wherever they are. Sometimes you hold on to what is left, sometimes you just let go to start afresh.

Book Review:

Do not let the world tell you not to bloom
Just because they aren’t ready for you
Just because few days after they bloomed
They died on a barren land, in the rain
You may face the same fate
But deep down you would know
It’s better to die blooming
Than choosing to never grow…

First of All, I want to thank the author Sanhita Baruah for sending her poetry book my way. Thank you for your patience and writing all these in-depth poems.

Being a poet myself, I recently started reading poetry books and this one was filled with so much emotion, love and heartbreak. Healing and self-love, self-worth and so full of metaphors.

I used to read alot of poetries during my school days but then I stopped. I started writing my own poetries in my teenage years and I can’t ever stop writing now. So to receive poetry books for reviewing is a big privilege.

Apart from a few clichèd poems and metaphors, most of the poems were profound and powerful. Her words, literally got to me. Through her poems, she’s telling the world that love comes in all different forms. Love is that pure feeling that gives you hope. Love is supposed to be unconditional.

My Ratings:


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