Author: Humaira Amjad
Genre: Poetry
Published on: 21st September 2019
Review copy sent by the author for an honest review and book tour.
Visit @mg_literary_tours for more updates.
Visit @mg_literary_tours for more updates.
Today is the last of this tour hosted by Magico Libro Casa Tours. This international blog tour initiative for middle grade and indie authors/books was started by my two talented friends Unzilla and Maham. I am happy to be a part of their first blog tour.
This last tour stop is all about the author and I was happy to ask the author some interesting questions that I sent her through the email. I will be sharing the Q & A’s in a bit. First, let’s have a look at what this book is all about.
A few months back, I stumbled upon this post about Rachelsrandomresources on twitter I think. I was already into blog tours by then and this sounded promising. I immediately signed up for it as book blogger. I love how this platform is dedicated to promoting new/indie books and authors as well as book bloggers.
For more books and book tour related updates follow them on:
When I got selected as Rep for MagicalReadsCrate in October, I was so thrilled and shocked because I was dying for an opportunity like this since my photography skills improved this year. I am extremely happy and excited to be one their Reps. @MagicalReadsCrate launched their first book box in June 2019 and I have been following them since then. They’ve been doing giveaways almost every month and that’s just so gracious of them.