Slam (got the inspiration from the novel slammed and wrote this for my best friend)


Fall is coming

Fall is coming

Fall is coming

When again there will be rush of people

This loneliness

That is heaven now

Will no longer be there

Fall is coming

Fall is coming

Sometimes false facade of smile

Sometimes missing the quietness

Again time will pass so fast

Like a lightening bolt

For now we are exploring

Seeking pleasure from this loneliness

Now time has become an illusion

Its easy to forget the world

Me ? Sometimes i miss talking and laughing

And then just being by myself

Seems like a good way to be

But still there is a feeling

Something is missing

Someone is missing

Fall is coming

Oh! Oh! Do you want to escape?

That false feeling you feel in fall

Wrongness of the system

The cruelties if the system

Wishing we could change it

Feeling strongly to bring change

Sometimes feeling like

We can fight it get past it all

Defeat them

But for now

This content feeling

We feel in our loneliness

Want to keep a hold on to it

And still feel like there is a piece missing

And still feel like there is a piece missing

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